The Atlantic is quiet, but I am watching the area of low pressure off the west Mexican coastline...see figure at right. According to The National Hurricane Center, this area has a high chance of becoming an organized tropical system in the next couple of days. Models show it curving toward Mexico (instead of away from it). And it is not unprecedented to have this systems move over Mexico and sometimes into the US.
A couple days ago I was excited about an upcoming shift in the jet stream...well I have to say, the shift looks to be less to our benefit. In fact, it looks like over the next few days, the ridge of high pressure is going to dig in harder into the southern plains. And, that means more hot and dry weather. Meanwhile, there have been lots of storms over the plains and into the TN Valley. On Wed., look for some severe weather from Nebraska to Ohio to South Carolina. There will also be some thunderstorms over the Rockies, northern plains and Florida. Hot and steamy across the south, especially the southern plains. Cool to the west, north and east over this inverted u (or v) over the south central part of the country.
Houston hit 98 on Monday, just one degree shy of the record. As I write this, the report is not yet in for Wednesday. It is going to continue hot and dry through the weekend. Stay cool everyone. Remember, that heat is one of the most deadly weather threats and it has a way of sneaking up on you. Later this week, I'll tell you of my own personal experience on my 38th birthday.
Let's do regulation or regla, pronounced ray-glah. To learn about air quality and regla of air quality, check out the AND MORE section.
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I am on the Specialized Operations Committee of the National Weather Association. My "specialized" part is air quality and I created and maintain an article on the web site about that very topic.
Recently, I made some changes. It is hard keeping up as the rules and regulations keep changing. It is a highly complex topic. When the Obama administration came into office in January, one of their first actions was to inact a 60 day hold on all environmental rule promulgating and implementation. They needed time to get up to speed on the all various complexities of this vast topic. I can tell is a lot just to check out all of the air regulations.
I encourage you to visit the National Weather Association web site. This is a 3000+ group of people who work in the world of weather. The web site is a plethora of weather news and information.
I hope to have some more topics like Employee Trip Reduction and more in the coming weeks.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Cecilia Sinclair
Wonder Weather Woman
13 years ago